Online Meetings?

We have all sorts of meetings here at Focus. Staff meetings, advisory board meetings, RPTV Crew meetings, Catch da Flava Radio meetings, etc. We also have monthly meetings for our Catch da Flava writers, but our last meeting's turnout wasn't too great. This is why we've come up with the Facebook Writers Group.

That's right, you can participate in the evolution of Catch da Flava right from your home computer! We always need youth and community input for what direction our newspaper/magazine should head, and now all you have to do is join the Facebook Group and type your ideas.

We will most likely still be having in-person meetings, but they may not be as frequent, so stay tuned for more info on that.

Who knows, maybe it will catch on and all of our meetings will be online. Our programs could be online - and I can already write this Blog from any computer... Then I could just do everything while laying in bed! Okay, maybe I'm dreaming a bit too big here, but join the Facebook Group anyways!


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