Drug Awareness Week Is Here

Well, this week is Drug Awareness Week and we're up to all sorts of stuff...

November 8, we were at Nelson Mandela Park Public School watching some RPTV films about drugs with the students. They really enjoyed it, especially when they saw their friends on the big screen. Watching the videos really helped them to get thinking about different drug related issues. Later, with their teachers, they identified some of the things they knew about drugs and questions about what they wanted to know.

Yesterday we hosted a panel of speakers in two assemblies with the grade 5-6 and 7-8 students. We had some really great speakers. First we had Heather from the RCMP who arrived in full Mountie uniform. She talked mainly on the laws in Canada around drugs, since a lot of people (children and adults alike) don't quite have all the facts. Then Io, from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health's program SAPACCY, spoke. He talked mainly on available treatments for people with addictions. Finally Tom, a former drug addict, took the floor. He had the advantage of being able to talk from first hand experiences, which had a strong impact on the students.

We've also asked the students to partake in a door decorating contest. The challenge is for each classroom to decorate their door in a creative way with a positive message of drug awareness. Of course, like any good contest, there are some really great prizes. Daniels Corporation (the people behind the construction of the redevelopment) have generously provided pizza parties to every class that participates. On top of that, we have an extra special prize for the classroom that our judges feel decorated their door creatively, included a lot of information, and give a good message. I'd love to tell you what that extra special prize is, but it's a secret to the students, and I'm sure they're reading this blog looking for some sort of clue.

Alright, that's all for now. Check back later for updates on how the contest went and to see pictures of the students' creations.


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