Shooting for Change

On April 14th 2007, Lalita Krishna premiered her new documentary "Shooting for Change" as a part of the Reel World Film Festival at the Rainbow Cinema (Front St.).

Krishna is an award winning Toronto based documentary filmmaker who is renowned for mixing social awareness and education in her work. In Shooting for Change she documented Adonis and the Focus program, filming us for about three months. The end result is a movie that highlights the Regent Park Focus community initiative and brings to light a side of Regent Park that is less often shown in regular news media - a community that is full of hope and working together to empower their own neighbourhood.

Shooting for Change played before a packed audience. It was a good change of pace, putting Focus in front of the camera instead of behind it. For all of you who missed it, Shooting for Change will air on OMNI television in the near future. Stay tune.



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