
Showing posts from October, 2015

Catch da Flava: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

On tonights Catch Da Flava, we talk about our new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the future of Canada. We talked about voter turnout, and the controversial Bill-C51 and how it will affect people in Canada. We also talked about something that many people are worried about..World War 3!, how will it start? How will thw world end?

Youth Talk

On October 16th 2015, the student leaders from the Youth Talk Collective had the opportunity to present a project proposal at Toronto Metro City Hall for The Investment in Youth Engagement Initiative. The Youth Talk Collective is made of a youth alumni of the Regent Park Focus Media Arts Centre’s training program. The Investment in Youth Engagement Initiative, led by Toronto Public Health, was established to encourage youth engagement work on Health topics, with an emphasis on tobacco. The initiative creates various opportunities for youth to advocate for healthy lifestyles, develop leadership skills and engage in local communities. A youth panel for the Investment in Youth Engagement greeted Julia Pham and Maeshah Haque, two student leaders from the Youth Talk Team to speak on their plan to bring awareness on tobacco. The young ladies proposed to create a media project underlining tobacco prevention and awareness with a focus on radio broadcasting. In the past year, students explored ...

Catch da Flava Radio: Canadian Arab Institute

On tonight's show, we focus on the upcoming elections and talk about the importance of voting with our special guests Asma and Aya who both volunteer with the Canadian Arab Institute. We touched on subjects regarding how Arab youth are affected by western lifestyle, as well as possible reasons why many youth in Canada do not vote. We discussed many interesting topics that everybody should hear about, especially our political representatives. Check it out at