Catch Da Flava Blog: Nutrition

Catch Da Flava held another show on April 2nd 2019! This time around, our hosts Thalia, Kylie, Meredith, Iman and new member Jamelia, held a discussion about nutrition! As guided by Health Canada’s current official food guide, of course. 

To start, our hosts began discussing their respective relationships to food. This included concerns about being healthy and preferences toward dining out or dining in. Answers varied host to host. Additionally, the hosts talked about the importance of experiencing culture, and preserving culture through food.  

Afterwards, our hosts focused on the new, more holistic parameters of Canada’s food guide, which focuses on overarching wellness instead of caloric intake and physicality. The guide touches on the importance of proper nutrition for physical, mental and social health. Instead of having countless food groups, the guide narrows the essentials down to: fruits and vegetables, protein foods, and whole grain foods. 

Finally, our hosts touched upon the importance of enjoying our food as we eat it, essentially increasing that mindfulness component in what we consume. Before concluding the show, our hosts discussed the dangers of food advertising and stressed the importance of researching and fact checking ourselves to make sure we are truly consuming what is being advertised to us. 

Have a listen to the entire podcast here:


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