Wednesday August 10th, 2016

Wednesday August 10th, 2016

Today, there were a lot of different things going on at focus. The new participants had their first audio engineering workshop with Heather. These new participants will be producing one new radio show, similar to the ones that we did last session. Today, they were taught the basics of the mixing board and audio engineering. These workshops will prepare them for when they do their radio show in two weeks. Today, we also continued to film the last part of the Pokemon Go RPTV News episode. The participants in the Pokemon Go group interviewed other Pokemon Go players to investigate why they play it and why they find it fun. Later in the day, we also filmed a few scenes of the first short drama of the summer, “Rodney”, at the Regent Park Community Centre. Today was a very productive, fun day for the participants

By: Alicia Anglin


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